Welcome to the General Information section! We’re here to provide you with accurate and easy-to-understand details about the submission, nomination, and selection process for the HIMAwards.
The HIMA prioritizes the merit of the music above all else. We do not base our evaluation on vanity metrics such as follower count, number of streams, views or popularity. Our decisions and selections are solely based on the quality of compositions.
The HIMA is open to the WORLDWIDE independent music community, all continents and all countries.
All incoming submissions are reviewed by HIMAwards staff to ensure links are working and all relevant info is accurate. Once confirmed, the submission is set for review by HIMAwards Selections Committee. The first round of initial selections are placed in a database (short list) for a second round of reviews to reach a final consensus of nominations. Once deemed NOMINATED, the selections are posted on the HIMAwards website (under the “Awards” tab)
Winners are determined after multiple rounds of reviews and votes by the HIMA Selections Committee, Advisory Board, and HIMAcademy Voting Body. Voting is internal, confidential, and winners are only revealed during the awards show, then posted for public access thereafter.
The HIMAwards Voting Academy/Advisory Board was created as a statutory body of industry professionals to determine the selection of winners via ballots of designated categories within the Hollywood Independent Music Awards.
• Eligible submissions are recorded projects or individuals involved with the production of a project submitted in categories found in the official submission form.
• Music released after the prior HIMA main event to present, or scheduled for release in the current year, is eligible for nomination consideration. We accept private links (encrypted or other) to unreleased music, and will not share or display to the public unreleased music unless we request and receive authorization.
• Music submitted last year for the HIMA and was not nominated may submit again in the current year for HIMA consideration.
• To be considered for nomination in any music category listed in the official HIMAwards music submission form, the music/song must be defined as a truly independent release, even if an artist involved in the project is signed to a major label. The definition of Independent for this application is: NOT directly and/or financially dependent on any of the four major labels (Warner Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment, EMI, and Universal Music Group) or subsidiaries with major label support.
• Non-music submissions do not need to meet the same criteria defined as “independent.” Non-music categories include studio technicians, marketing, mixer, engineer, etc. Non-music categories are defined as such in the official music submission form.
• Submission deadline for all categories is at least 30 days before the HIMA main event.
• Preliminary reviews and nomination consideration are conducted as soon as submissions are received.
• HIMAcademy Voting Body will receive notices, instructions, and link(s) to encrypted electronic ballots.
• If deemed appropriate and/or necessary by the HIMA, a submission may be reassigned to a different category other than the one chosen in the original submission form.
• All works submitted must be the Artist’s original work unless the category is noted otherwise. Anyone submitting works for consideration represents that they are the creators of the works submitted, own the rights, or possess authority and/or permission to enter the works for nomination consideration.
• Multiple submissions are allowed to multiple categories.
• Submission fees are per entry for non-members. HIMA members are allowed two complimentary submissions using a membership coupon code.
• All entries are online only. It is the responsibility of the person submitting to ensure the functionality of links and/or web portals where the material is hosted.
• There are no submission fee refunds.
• The Hollywood Independent Music Awards, while accepting entries throughout the year, reserves the right to open and/or close submission deadline(s) at its discretion.
• Music will be evaluated based on melody, composition, and lyric (when applicable). Quality of performance and production will also be considered.
• The HIMAwards reserves the right to re-categorize entries and/or combine categories as deemed necessary and/or appropriate.
• Nominations can be announced periodically throughout the year and posted on the HIMA website.
• Winners will be announced only at the HIMA Main Event and online thereafter. Under no circumstance will winners be revealed prior to the HIMA main event.
• Cover songs or derivative works will be accepted in categories not required as original music. Examples of such categories include Best Vocal (male & female), Best Live Performance, Producer/Production, and so on.
• An ALBUM or LP (Long Play) refers to a full length body of work, featuring multiple tracks with a running time of roughly 35 to 60 minutes. HIMA reviewers are required to review a maximum of twelve (12) tracks. Reviewers have the option to continue reviewing more tracks if they choose to do so. Albums must contain at least 50% original compositions, unless submitted for categories mentioned in prior paragraph (above). CLICK HERE for ALBUM submission form.
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